This is the new face of healthy! We focus on ‘fitness’ looking like one particular body type, whereas it is not the case. You can be fit and healthy at any size. I make it a point to be careful about the messages i attach to my fitness videos and pictures. There’s so much pressure to appear lean, muscular and athletic whether you are a health and fitness coach or not, in other to prove your worth and knowledge. There’s nothing wrong with aiming to look good but being “fit for looks” should never supersede being “fit for function”. Fitness is more about how your body functions and a celebration of what your body is capable of doing. When you live a healthy lifestyle your body naturally reflects that. I chose these ladies including myself because we are all reflections of living healthy lifestyles. We come in different shapes, sizes and fitness levels, but what we all have in common is the willingness to live and promote healthy living through fitness/nutrition. Instead of focusing on trying to look the part, focus on having the physical ability to enjoy life to the fullest, doing any activity you want at a moment’s notice and nourishing your body the right way. This is what TRUE FITNESS is! “Learn to be comfortable in your own skin, embrace all your amazing qualities and learn to love and celebrate your body through your own personal fitness journey”.