Everything you need to succeed in fitness and nutrition.

Affordable personal trainer Charlotte NC

Personal Training

personal trainer

The Jumpsuit Way Lifestyle Program


See some amazing and inspiring transformations


The Jumpsuit Way Lifestyle Program



My name is Sandrine Yongbang-Porokie (aka Your Jumpsuit Trainer) and I have experience with being overweight and obese. So, I know first-hand what it feels like to feel uncomfortable in your own skin, have little to no energy and lack motivation. Getting certified with the American Council on Exercise gave me the perfect opportunity for me to help others achieve their health, fitness and happiness goals. For the past 2 years I have mastered the art and craft of changing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle (starting with myself) through proper nutrition, physical and mental fitness. I am an ACE Certified Fitness Trainer and an ACE Certified Fitness Nutritionist. So if you are looking for an affordable personal trainer in Charlotte NC contact me for a free consultation.

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